OBPI’s Wendi Boyden to speak in Boston

If you are in Boston today for the Professional Liability Attorney Network (PLAN)  EPLI Seminar, don’t forget to check out OneBeacon Professional Insurance’s Wendi Boyden in a panel at 4:45 p.m.!  The panel entitled, “EPL Jeopardy,” will discuss hot topics in Employment Law Facing EPL carriers.  For the full agenda of today’s events, check out the program agenda!

OneBeacon on YouTube

We are glad that you find time to read this blog from time to time, but we were wondering if you knew that we also have a YouTube channel.  Titled OneBeaconIns, we’ve been posting clips primarily hosted by our OneBeacon Technology specialists that provide insights on our technology capabilities, including products and claims and risk control services. 

Like all YouTube channels, you can subscribe to our channel to stay abreast of new videos. As always, we’re interested in what you think, and if you have any suggestions for our YouTube channel, let us know!

ECIA and OneBeacon News!

Today we announced that OneBeacon Technology was selected by the Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) as the exclusive provider for its members’ insurance program that will be provided through one of OneBeacon’s underwriting companies.

ECIA connects all segments of the electronic components industry including manufacturers, authorized distributors and manufacturers’ representatives. ECIA members are involved in networking, development of industry guidelines and standards, advocacy, research, conferences and exhibitions and special interest roundtables. For more information, visit: www.eciaonline.org 

“At OneBeacon, industry expertise is the heart and soul of our company. Our Technology Insurance group is exclusively dedicated to the technology sector and we are excited to offer ECIA and its membership access to our technology focused suite of products and services, backed by our staff specialists,” said John Wurzler, President of OneBeacon’s Technology Insurance group.








About OneBeacon


OBPI Will Use FirstBest’s UMS

Recently, OneBeacon Professional Insurance announced that it will partner with FirstBest  to deploy its Underwriting Management System (UMS). The tool will help to streamline underwriting and deliver superior collaboration to better accommodate brokers’ timeframes and deadlines by making it easier for them to directly access and collaborate with OBPI’s experts.

For more information, check out the news release on http://www.firstbest.com or the announcement in Insurance & Technology!